Grateful to Learn the Interesting process of a Pressure Cooker

Pressure Cooker

Today is the day we first started to use our pressure cooker…it has been a learning experience! Not a bad one but it is new, just the same. As with anything new you will find challenges along the way. We discovered that our seal needs to be cooled down between uses! Thank goodness for my husband’s help! He is great a starting this new adventure with me. I get nervous doing new canning adventures by myself for the first time.

Green beans were the first thing we decided to try and complete! Overall they have turned out well. We had a few that the water came out of so we will eat and share those ones with friends right away!

What brand of pressure cooker do you use? We have an off brand that we do not love but are doing more research to find one that will better suit our needs! Share in the comments your favorite pressure cooker and why!

This coming weekend we are hoping to pressure cook more green beans. I would also like to pressure cook homemade baked beans, a few different soups, and carrots!

Good luck with your pressure cooking! Stay tuned as I learn and share what we try next!

Water Bath

Water bath is something that I have become quite confident in doing on my own, it’s always more enjoyable with help but it doesn’t always work out that way!

PICKLES – I personally do not like pickles but my family does and I’m happy to make them for them. I also love to share with others! We have eaten our fair share of fresh cucumbers but they have finally produced enough that we can no longer keep up! So that means it is time to make pickles! This first batch is going to be dill pickles. I had everything all ready to go and then realized I couldn’t find our pickling salt (which you don’t have to have but we like to call it). I’m waiting for a friend to rescue me when they head to the city and get groceries.

How do you process your pickles? We use the water bath method, I know that you can also put them in the fridge and not do a water bath. You have to eat them much quicker, the plus side is you still get to enjoy homemade pickles. We are all about making things that we can use year round, preserving.

Water Bath Canner and supplies

What are your favorite recipes to use when making pickles? We love to use Mrs. Wages. Click the link to order your Dill Pickle mix. See more on my pickling post.

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