Fallen fruit finds new life

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Last week we had a storm blow in with high winds which caused several fruit trees to drop fruit on the ground. It was time to make good use of that fruit.

Labor of love

fruit pears

Over the 3 day Labor Day weekend we spent two of the three days taking care of the fallen fruit. Friday was the day of pears. They were the absolute best ever! Our family will be in for a really treat this winter as we start to crack open the jars of sweetness. We gathered about eight 5-gallon buckets of apples and pears. In addition to small baskets of wild plums, which are also delicious! The wild plums we froze and will save for another day, another story.

One thing that is hard about all the canning is how messy the kitchen gets! I have a hard time keeping up this time of year. In total honesty, most things get put off until later, as far as cleaning the house. Each weekend I have to pick and choose just a few things that are a must-do and a few things that are a can do. I will catch up again, but for now, canning is taking over our lives.

It did help to have three days this weekend. I conquered the house with the help of my kids. They had been slowly cleaning their mess in small increments over the course of 3 days, starting Thursday evening. By Sunday before church we had the house looking great! I felt accomplished and that a small slice of my life was back in order. I know that it will not stay that way with three kids and canning continuing to take place.

apples fruit

New School Year

The beginning of the school, year is always incredibly hard for me. Getting everyone back in the grove for school not only for the kids, but also for myself. So much is going on in the first month of school, I tend to feel like I’m climbing an uphill battle that I’m not always making much progress. Then Labor Day weekend arrives, and I can take a deep breath, as least for a moment.

This year is no different, except that we have gone full on preserving mode! This is the first year we have taken on so much. In the past years we might have spent two or three weekends, but this year we will spend about two months preserving food.

Apples and pears are what are ready now. Saturday was a little rough getting through the 5-gallon buckets of apples my husband and myself. Mind you, kids still need many things throughout the day but they are awesome kids. Our kids have been rock stars throughout this process of us being busy for several weekends canning. They help around the house with their chores but also with canning when able. The youngest is still napping so many interruptions will continue to happen during this crazy time of year.

fruit preserve

How do we do it?

We have figured out a system that works well for the two of us. Our island works well with one of us in one side and the other. person on the other. We both can reach the stove top and help as needed.

We set up one of us using the apple peeler and the other cutting out the bad spots, putting the apples in a preserve mix until we had enough to start the canning process.



Faith in God is essential for me as it serves as a foundation for my beliefs, values, and worldview. Having faith in God brings comfort during challenging times, provides a sense of security and assurance, and instills hope for the future. I find strength in my faith to overcome obstacles, face adversity, and navigate life’s uncertainties with resilience. Just as the storm has caused the fruit to fall from the tree, we give it a new purpose. God helps us to overcome obstacles and see his will.

Psalms 18:32 (NIV)

It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.

Matthew 18:7 (NIV)

Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!

Matthew 21:22 (NIV)

If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

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