Coming in HOT with New Jalapeños

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The plants are loaded jalapeños, and I can’t wait to make jalapeño poppers, strawberry jalapeño jam, and cowboy candy.

It all happens at once, doesn’t it? The plants are very ready all of a sudden and need attention now. Our garden and those that have been generous enough to share with us just exploded with produce over the last two weeks. Our jalapeño plants are loaded with peppers. We also have learned the importance of wearing gloves when cutting the peppers. Did you know if you do get pepper oils, on your hands, one method to get the oil off is using this kind of cooking oil and dawn soap can help get it off.

School has started so that means weekends have to be used very wisely. Today, I picked a basket of jalapeños to put them to good use. Jalapeño poppers were my first choice, but only my husband and I eat those, so I should probably wait until we have some help to eat them since it’ll make a bunch. We always seem to make 20 or more poppers at a time, and they do not heat up again well.

My second choice might be cowboy candy, but that has a real kick to it. I might change up the recipe just a bit to better suit my taste buds. I think I would take the seeds out and cut them into pieces rather than slicing them, leaving the seeds in them.

Strawberry Jalapeño jam
Strawberry Jalapeño jam

Nature’s Way of Feeding the Soul

I love seeing what nature has in store for us. Waking up early and walking down to the garden to see what waits for me to harvest is a joy that never gets old. Pulling the weeds to give the plants less competition for nutrients and water is so satisfying. I spent an hour working on weeds; does it look like it? No, there are still so many. That is okay though, because I know little bits at a time make it all worth it.

As I work, I can hear the birds singing their morning songs, and sometimes I even catch glimpses of butterflies fluttering around the blooming flowers. It’s moments like these that remind me why I began gardening in the first place—to connect with nature and find peace in the simple, yet rewarding, tasks.


What nutrients do you need? Does your soul need to be fed, but you’re not sure where to start? That’s how I feel, but I do know where to start, honestly. It’s reading my Bible, God’s word is nutrients to us.. He’s telling us exactly what we need; it’s just a matter of listening to his whispers. I know talking with others about the Bible and Christian life help feed my soul.

John 6:27 (NIV)

Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on him God the Father has placed his seal of approval.”

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