Faith in the Harvest to Provide Beautiful Produce

Harvesting is one of the greatest rewards of having a garden! I love watching our plants grow and seeing it become food that will feed our family. It brings me great joy to go out each day and harvest what has been growing in our garden or on our land.

Each year it seems like you wait and wait for the harvest to come in. Then all of a sudden the harvest is plentiful. You have to stop all activities to give it the attention that it needs. Whether that means going out and picking what needs to be harvested. Canning or freezing it to preserve and enjoy at a later date, or sharing with friends and family.

One of the reasons we bought our home is because of the land that came with it. We have five acres of land. Our land encompasses a wooded area with a strip of open grass down the middle of it. Our hope is to slowly add to our growing area and have less grass.

We have many wild berries and nut trees that grow on our land. We have been fortunate enough to enjoy the fruit these last few years.

Green beans and Cucumbers harvest
Small but mighty harvest
Green beans
They are slowly starting to produce.

Do you love our little harvest baskets? Pretty sure they were used for plants but we love to use them to collect our harvest. I got them second hand but found something similar.



Do you ever feel as though you just can’t catch a break but you all know that there is a bigger picture you can’t see. This last year was one of the hardest and although I feel we are still fighting the good fight I’m seeing light at the end of the tunnel.

We had several medical surprises and family deaths all within a year, most of it in 9 months during the scum year. Some things have settled and positives have come out of it others we are still waiting to see what lesson is intended for us to learn.

We all go through seasons in life some are better than others. Many times it seems we don’t fully understand the depth of what is going to come next. We can’t predict the future but I know there is good from all things. I just can’t always see it.

Luke 10:2 – And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.

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