Back in August we harvested our wild plums! The time has come to finally pull them out of the freezer and do something with them. Jam/jelly is first on the list. I’m making quite a bit of plain jam. It has turned out great. We put several into small 4 ounce jars that can be…
Tag: Fruit
Pineapple Jalapeños Jam Sweet With A BIG Kick
My winter break is here so it’s time to try something new! We were once gifted pineapple jalapeño jam and really enjoyed it. When pineapple went on sale I decided it was time to try and make my own. I had jalapeños in the freezer from this summer ready to be used. Our jalapeño plants…
Mock Pineapple a Unique Recipe for Faith in God
Trying another new recipe…fake pineapple. It’s actually zucchini that tastes similar to pineapple. What a surprise it actually tastes as good as I hoped! We tried it hot out of the pot before canning it. We haven’t opened a jar yet to try it at room temperature or even cold but the time is coming….
Forgotten Old Wild Plum Thickets in Our Backyard
I’m so excited to see our wild plum thickets doing so well. I’m hoping we will be able to produce tasty jam from the fruit. We have been searching for recipes online that look good and meet our needs. I one day hope to have a book full of our recipes and how we have…
New Apple Cider from the Old Style Press
Have you ever tried fresh apple cider? I love apple cider. As soon as I see it in stores, I buy myself a jug to enjoy. It’s best warm in my option and on cool fall mornings. This year, though we were chatting with some fellow church goers and discovered they had an apple press….
Fallen fruit finds new life
Last week we had a storm blow in with high winds which caused several fruit trees to drop fruit on the ground. It was time to make good use of that fruit. Labor of love Over the 3 day Labor Day weekend we spent two of the three days taking care of the fallen fruit….